~Jab We Met~
To bring two people together who shares nothing in common and are poles apart is always a magical outset towards an enigmatic journey. On one hand, Geet was a bubbly girl and a prattler too who never cared about the attitude of the world. On the other hand, Aditya is someone who was dwelling in the lowest ebb of his life and was almost on the brink of giving it all up. None of them could have ever comprehended the impending adventure which could topple their respective lives forever.
They surely had us all at the synchronization of Geet's fervour for life and Aditya's mellow yet nonchalant behaviour. This medley glorified the plot of the movie and the past never carried weight as long as they enjoyed each other's company. It gave them a purpose to wake up with the rays of hope in their eyes.
Falling in love is never portended and it can happen at any point in life without any headnotes. Geet stimulated Aditya's spunk when he needed to be supported the most. And, in no time, the situation was transposed when Aditya finally discerned the snappy stance of life and began living each day at the most while Geet sank in her busted dreams as confidence was sucked out of her life.
However, their long-lasting chemistry pulled them back together in the vicious adventure of life when they acknowledged their love for each other which appeared after they settled at a great distance. Earlier, Geet yanked him into her crazy life and later on, he did the same to her by glinting the love between them wholly and unknowingly.
With her pure heart and gabby spirit and with his majestic charm and matured way towards life, we all inferred the twisted forms of love. It need not be perfect but it ought to be real to yearn for their glimpses and to visualize them to be with us irrespective of the distance even if it means dancing exuberantly in the rain alone if it helps you remember the one you love. It is never too late to admit the sparks of love but never too early to leave the one who is not appreciating the efforts.