This game is amazing and I just find it funny how bad these people writing things about it are. You aren't supposed to have it easy when you start. New players aren't supposed to have a fighting chance against highly geared players. All these 1 star reviews are people who either can't run it or are straight up bad at the game. Sure it's pretty rage enticing and takes a while to find a game but when you get in it's the best, most tense first person shooter out there. Every game mechanic is done extremely well and if you're saying the game needs to do things like, I don't know, weigh you down when you get shot by a led slug, you have to remember it's a game. All these reviews are just nitpicking whilst jumping off planes in COD and saying that it's realistic because gun makes pew pew sound. So grit your teeth and get through your first few games where you're awful or can't seem to kill that one guy with a VSH with your bayonet and then you'll understand what I mean when I say this game is amazing.