Lots of potential. All of it wasted. Bad science, Neil deGrase Tyson wasn't called once for this show. So many shows have been ripped off to make this show. From Lost with the character rip-off of Hurley to Alien with things popping out of people and Close Encounters with the music and lights. I'm surprised they're wasn't a person at a dinner making their mashed potatoes into a tower shaped like the artifact. The directing is awful. The dialog is awful. The crew is a joke! No nation would crew an interstellar mission with such people. They are fighting and crying and cowardly and no one acts like they have been trained to be in a chain of command. The interactions within the crew of a trillion dollar craft are so soap opera-ish that these fools are not ready to run a Sbarro in the food court of that mall that's dying near anywhere USA. And I love Katee Sackhoff the actor, this can't be all her fault as producer. She was awesome in BSG. Lastly, being sci-fi and getting so much science wrong is insulting to sci-fi fans. Netflix should sue the people that made this to get their money back.