I have watched this show from the beginning and all you hear and see is the same thing over and over again with the same people. Like now Hope is all upset about Steffy and Liam sleeping together and that Steffy might be pregnant with Liam's baby. Did Hope forget that Liam was still married to Steffy when she slept with him and got pregnant with Beth? Everyone acting like Hpe is so pure and good and she not; she is just like the rest of the Logan women that sleep with every man on the show and they all sleep with each other man over and over. I want Steffy to put Hope in her place by reminding her that she did the same thing to her when she was married to Liam and take off that Mis pure and good hat she is always wearing. Hope played with Thomas' feeling for her by kiss and leading him on to get what she wanted and kept that from Liam, only Brook knew what she was doing and she has never told him about it. We don't need to see the same storyline again were Saffy having a baby not knowing who the daddy is; we saw that already between Liam and his father Bill and many times on this show with others.
I don't like the storyline of twins with two different fathers, please come up with a better storyline. The cast repeat the same words every day so you don't have to watch the show that often because Liam, Hope, Steffy, and Finn will keep having the same conversation for two or three months and that gets very boring. The cast shouldn't have a hard time remember their lines because they are the same ones every day.
All the daytime soap have the same storyline year after year and now days I don't care to watch them that often anymore.