I use to love this show when Geoff Johns was Executive Producer man it was awesome. But then after season 2, Geoff Johns left and this show hit a downward spiral. The show used to focus on only Barry and what it was like being the Flash, but then new characters started coming in and now they don't focus on Barry anymore. At the start of each episode, Barry would start off by saying "My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive..." he would go on giving us an overview of the show. So easy to relate to, but now there are other heroes like Vibe, Killer Frost, Elongated man, etc. The show now focuses on them, the CW already has a team superhero show Legends of Tomorrow throw them in there. I watch the show because of the Flash not because of these access characters. Also, bring back Wally, because Kid Flash was an essential part of the Flash. Barry was learning on how to be a mentor, but you threw the wrong man on the Legends. Lastly, I'm going to talk about the writing of the show. This show paces everything too slowly. Flash can literally beat this new Cicada villain in an instant, but the writers won't let it go they keep stretching it. Big villains like the Reverse Flash I can understand but Cicada is a simple villain. Cicada is weaker than Captain Cold and Flash was able to take him on in one episode and on season one! Flash should be able to take him out in a second. Instead of focusing on the villain for an entire season the writers should find different story arcs to use. In rebirth, there was the speed force storm which was an amazing read. Instead of focusing on a villain focus on a story arc, because these days you guys just rewrite the other seasons. For example, in the first season, people got hit by the particle exelerator that created new villains that became evil then later the main villain was introduced. Then in the fourth season, people get exposed to dark matter and get powers and become evil. Then later on the main villain gets introduced. You guys are just using what the legendary Geoff Johns wrote and kind of changed it up. I have hope for this show you guys need to work on NOT focusing on other characters and more on Barry. You need to pace and not make it too slow and sloppy. Try using story arcs instead of focusing the entire season on a villain and stop reusing writing from other seasons make your own unique story.