Being disgusted by the show only because it portrays your country (Lebanon for the most, but it does not matter which), shows that you are not neutral and very subjective. You are biased by the fact that it is your country. Yes it is wrong to portray a good country to look bad, but this is an issue almost all american movies filmed in a foreign country faces and it is definitely not a reason to say that it is a bad show. For me, the three best shows ever (not in any specific order of preference) are Breaking Bad, Homeland and Prison Break. Episode 12 of season 7 of Homeland is literally the best episode of any show that I ever watched, even better than the mythic "Ozymandias" of Breaking Bad which has a 10/10 rating. Plus the show is also very neutral, it does not take part of anyone while the diffusion and the filming. Some may back Keane, some Paley, some Ralph the Vice-President, some Carrie, some Saul, it is not possible for everyone to just like Carrie like other shows where everybody just supports the main character. I personally love Carrie but I'm sure a lot of people may think that she is mad. But I'm also known to like people considered mad by society, this is subjective. What dumb persons refer to when talking about "madness" is almost always high intelligence which dumb people just are not able to comprehend.
The character that I hate the most is Brody's daughter, she is just so stupid.
Bref: Homeland deserves a 9.5/10 just like Breakind Bad in my opinion.