the concept itself...when you think about it for a while it sure possible in the real world. we can feel the impact of every little choices we make through the game.
the enemies are kind of uses the AI of alien isolation. which makes it far more scary the only good thing is they dont chase you throughout the level only in a certain places and the encounters are less compared to isolation.
To sumarise
GAMEPLAY : 7/10 ( *game forces you to explore every corner of the map because there is no objective markers. so its kinda frustrating at some point* )
ATMOSPHERE : 10/10 ( *sound design is top of the notch and the DOF makes it even creepier* )
STORY : 11/10 ( *I'm not exaggerating ....or maybe i'am because im a science geek..but like i said it in the first place it really makes you think "will it be possible in the real world?". i dont know much games that made me think like that. TRYING HARD NOT TO SPOIL ANYTHING!.
Now GO and PLAY!