This game has an amazing campaign but the multiplayer is very disappointing. You would think after years of experience this team could get it right but they continue to overcomplicate and disregard the ultimate player experience. The ranked playlist is subjected to only 3 game modes all in the same search giving the player no choice in what they play. The maps are also very limited. You play the same thing over and over again with no flexibility in deciding what you play OR WHAT MAP. NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO VETO. Halo 3 had a massive ranked playlist with plenty of maps including a fan favorite being TEAM DOUBLES AND LONE WOLVES. This game capitalizes on none of what they have already achieved with multiplayer. It is basically a very boring experience accumulating into a poor search engine and even worst game modes/maps. Come on 343. I think you guys have more than enough money and time to make this trash multiplayer better.