Although fifa 19 had its issues (evident scripting in a high number of online matches, really poor passing at times etc) after playing fifa 20 I still vastly prefer 19. The defending in fifa 20 is just absolutely horrendous. The passing to be honest does feel a bit more accurate, and a bit slicker, but shooting again is vastly inferior to 19 in my opinion. Rebounds are, as many have already highlighted, an absolute nightmare in this year's version and it's also hard to find a game mode or function that doesnt represent a/a number of glitches. Playing fifa 20 and all I keep thinking of is putting fifa 19 on and sticking with that for another year, which I genuinely think I might do. Really disappointed that after saying to myself I wouldn't give up and buy the new one, I parted with £80 for ultimate edition, and as I say so far have been massively disappointed in the gameplay. Anyone on the fence as to whether to buy this years version, or just stick with 19, I'd advise you to do the latter. 👎☹