If you want to spend over 2 years playing the game like me and get absolutely no where because people make fake accounts to play with lower ranks and do nothing but beat on them the whole time, this is abso
lutely your game! Been silver 1 twice, and then I load into a game and see 3 lvl 30 that are flicking around and one tapping, youd think they'd be suspicious when a lvl 36 account is plat 3, nope! I love spending hours and hour and HOURS playing ranked trying to enjoy the game just to finally be one game away from getting my new rank and get destroyed the whole time by a smerf account! Other then that, fun game, but if you dont have 5 friends to play with, dont plan on getting any sort of decent rank, and even then, be prepared for 2 out of 5 games to be you getting stomped completely by a fake account.