Honestly, I hate this game with a passion. The fact them I’m obligated to give it a ⭐️ out of five is ridiculous, I feel like my basic human rights have been taken away! Ezio is such a con artist. He may have sucked everyone else in with his so called heroics but I see through it all. Good blokes like Bayek of Siwa and Eivor of the Ravenclan are overlooked time and time again because of this pretentious tw@, he’s an absolutely abysmal Assassin and totally detestable. He is so tedious and his story is mind numbingly boring, and I’m absolutely sick to death of clambering my way up some multi-storey building only to come crashing all the way down because the daft tw@ doesn’t understand the basic instructions I’ve just input on my controller! Honestly, I feel cheated. I’m currently living in a Travelodge because I’ve smashed my house to bits from Ezio-inflicted rage!