Yeah I remember watching this movie when it came out and I think I thought it was funny! But now I’m like what the heck!
Marni deserved better! Joanna was absolute trash. I realized at the engagement party she literally would’ve never apologized unless it was brought to her attention. And the fact that it was and she STILL bullied her! I won’t say it’s right to fight fire with fire but it’s understandable how Marni started to pick on her in a sense but her “picking on her” was more so her trying to get her to fess up to her trashness but for Joanna to literally start bullying her as if she’s in the right or Marni was the one bullying her; SHE JUST WANTED AN APOLOGY and you started to BULLY her for that?! Because she was holding you accountable?
And then she was trying to kick her out of her family too?! Like girl WHAT the heck is wrong with you!
She literally didn’t change she thought it was all behind her because she couldn’t see it anymore and wasn’t apart of that but as soon as her victim came back she 1) denied knowing her, then 2) started bullying her .
And then she had the AUDACITY to invalidate and downplay Marni’s feelings because “iT waS sO lONg aGo”, yeah it was a Tuesday for you but it was a lifetime for me, don’t blow off 4 years of trauma to someone- or any length of time! But then wanted to turn around and give a SOB story about Tim, girl bye! You don’t get to be a bully, invalidate someone else’s trauma and magnify your trauma but remember “iT wAS sO lOnG agO” right? Clearly reaping what you sow has not humbled you at all.
The only thing Marni did wrong in my opinion was show that video at their party, it was only wrong because she embarrassed her brother like that , she should have did that privately for his sake because she hurt him.
And the brother was kind of lame for not remembering her like cmon dude you were a basketball player and she was a cheerleader give me a break dude
(I know there’s a happy ending, I haven’t finished yet, but yeah it would’ve at least ended better if JJ would’ve learned her lesson and probably the brother moved on or atleast it was some time down the road for her to have true redemption, not a day later)
Only Lee and Weavers story was interesting .