I rarely write something negative, but this was so over the top and cheesy. Every line sounds forced and unnatural. It’s so cliché. “How close can you get? This close, or this close, or this close” Spare me, Lisa, this isn’t a movie, it’s a fancy dream you had as a teenager after watching film noir.
Those lines haven’t been done a million times, right? Maybe try writing something a little more original? Times have changed and you do not have the writing to become a Blade Runner 2.
The femme fatale is an extremely boring trope. It was done well in the past in so many countless films, why try and reinvent the wheel? Let’s move on to something new because this was a literary bore fest. *Yawn*.
I gave it a chance. I went in not knowing anything except that it was from the cast of West World (which I love).
I lasted a total of 20 minutes. So E for effort, on my part.
Seeing Miami (where I live and was born) half underwater was fun though. I’d love to explore more of that, but minus the overused character plots and dialogue, please.
If you liked this, go watch Blade Runner. They did it better 40 years before.
Sorry, but I cannot give this more than a 1. I usually sit through pretty bad films but I just couldn’t.