I love Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to death. I do understand how it's not for everybody, But for me, I rank it very highly within my favorite Zelda games.
Many people bash this game for being so different from the rest of the series. But despite the change in gameplay style, Many of the series staples are still present and it even introduced a few staples itself!
In Zelda II, You are on a quest to awaken the sleeping princess Zelda. However, This is not the same Zelda from the first game. But rather A Zelda from 100 years in the past, Put under a sleeping beauty style sleeping spell that must be broken, Not by true love's kiss. But by the chosen hero and the power of the hidden third triforce.
And so, Our brave hero, Link. sets forth on his quest. In order to find the Triforce of courage, He must return Six crystals to statues found in temples spread across all of hyrule. Each protected by the most dangerous of guardians.
Gameplay in Zelda II is very different from it's predecessor. Playing very much like a classic J-RPG.
You run across an overworld in which Monsters randomly spawn, Running into these monsters initiates a Side-Scrolling Action sequence in which you will fight various baddies.
These scenes end when Links escapes to either side of the screen.
So what are the purpose of these battles if you only must escape them to win?
Well, Much like most other RPGs, Killing monsters usually nets you Experience points.And when you accumulate enough, Link can level up one of three attributes. Life,(Take less damage) Attack (Do more damage to monsters) and Magic.
Speaking of, Z2 is the first game in the series to introduce Magic and a Magic Bar. A distinction some mistakenly apply to Link to the Past.
And that's not the only addition that became a series staple. As this is the first Zelda game to include Towns.
In the side scrolling town sections, You can speak to NPCs for clues, Restore your health and magic (For free. Z2 has no currency to speak of.) and find Wizards and Swordsmen who can teach Link new spells and Sword Techniques (Another first for the series. Found in later entries like Twilight Princess and Minish Cap.)
Despite all these additions and changes, Z2 still carries on certain series traditions.
Z2 is still about seeking out several dungeons, Which contain items that will help you reach other parts of the map. Such as a candle, Glove, Hammer (Another series first) and a raft,
You will also be able to find hidden goodies such as Heart Containers, Magic Containers, Fairies and even Extra Lives!
This does bring me to my criticisms of Z2 however.
Zelda II is often described as hard or difficult. But I don't agree. However, It is unfair both in enemy placement (Many enemies in the temples are placed in spots that make them hard to avoid or fight effectively.) and in punishment.
Zelda II works off a lives system in which you begin with 3 Lives.
Once all three lives are exhausted, the game boots you all the way back to the start of the overworld. You retain any items or levels you gained. But lose all Exp. (The only place this doesn't happen is the final temple, which boots you back to the start of the temple. Which you will need. As the final temple IS difficult.)
You can open shortcuts back to temples using items like the Hammer. But still, It can be a slog to trek back to the temple you were trying to beat.
In addition to this, Zelda II is one of the most Linear games in the series.
For these flaws,I must retract a star. But all said and done, I still love this game and recommend it!