Garbage film in every way. historically inaccurate to an offensive degree regardless if its horror fiction. the reason any one gives this dross over 2 stars is OBVIOUS to anyone reading reviews. high stars are either bots or people that just gave high stars to push that agenda ( we ALL know the one). Trash like this just tells watchers how stupid you think they are, for one MAAAAAANY women see through your obvious pandering nonsense and men certainly do. Can men act terribly? ooh yes but guess what, women aren't any better. if you're going to push this agenda may as well tell the truth, oh men are misogynistic huh well women are no different fellas better pay for everything treat them as queens even though they aren't just cuz, devote your lives in everyday just so they can berate you emasculate you and all the while you're just being used up until what they feel is better comes along to throw you in the trash for. yea woman are no angels and people know it, see it. better get real Hollywood because people aren't taking this bs any more.
any one just 4 and 5 starring this movie you aren't helping your causes at all. better get real