First off, NOT a huge Star Wars fan. One thing I always loved about the movies were the space battles. This reminded me at first of Elite Dangerous in terms of rerouting power and so on while flying. Love the option to play without a HUD, so much better IMO. The cockpits are simple to read and playing without it is very accessible even for people who have never played a true sim, which this is not to be clear. It makes it very immersive, the graphics are just fantastic, and it honestly the first decent combat flight simcade game that has come out on Xbox one. Litle things like being fried by the engines of large ships, your ship burning up if you get into the atmosphere of the planet below are nice touches that just make sense.
I would love for them to add a "dynamic campaign" like in Birds of Steel and Warthunder to really add to replayability, instead of being stuck online once the story is over. I don't usually write reviews either, but felt I had to because its the first decent Star Wars and flight game on Xbox.
Only gripe I have is with how effective using countermeasures to evade enemy missiles seems. They shouldn't work as often as they do, which if combined with maneuvering almost always work.