I’m not sure why they call it “The View” it should be “only their opinion matters”
I saw a clip where Joy Behar only looked into white women and voting and then referred to our education I couldn’t believe that she would say something like that so just on a whim I went and tried watching that full episode I could not stomach more than 20 minutes of it and the hypocrisy of it all but I was reminded vividly why I would rather two broken glass then sit through that show who won’t allow people to speak who don’t agree with them that show really needs to come off the air until they can make it what it was when Barbara Walters was on the show then the view was interesting always representing all sides not their own opinions
I will NEVER turn that show on again.
I hope they keep in mind that while they live their pampered millionaire lives most of us are out here in the real world just trying to get it done so maybe they should be talking about topics on that
not spewing their political rhetoric.
They all claim to be so open minded and and accepting yet if your opinion does not align with theirs they want nothing to do with you and you have no voice that is not about promoting unity and respect that is about promoting their own narrative and their own agendas
I have seen them with guess when they guests think the way they do in their opinion alliance with theirs they are gracious magnanimous Barry giving verrry taking but when I guess doesn’t agree they shoot daggers they cut them off they get them off the stage as soon as possible how is that being fair and representing all sides just a question
As far as the vaccine goes they need to stop bringing up measles polio and all of those vaccines because as parents we do have a right to deny those vaccinations also these vaccinations were studied for years before they were injected into a human body not only for their effectiveness but for side effects and they were also safety studies done on these the COVID-19 vaccination has no safety studies done. ( oh, and PS it’s not just Republicans not taking the vaccine it’s many people who don’t wish to be a part of an experiment just so you know)
Maybe just maybe if they would stop letting Donald Trump live in their heads rent free
For the love of God stop blaming Donald Trump and republicans for everything and move on already
If they can do that then they might be able to put a show out there.
I mean don’t let the truth get in the way