Never has a game made me more Bi-Polar, fluctuating inbetween frustration, blips of enjoyment, followed by even more infuriating and depressing times to suit. To be clear, I WANTED to actually enjoy myself. I spent a good amount of time, and money on this.
Two updates later, there's STILL hit tracking issues, even though clearly, it's stated within thier own notes that this has been worked on. The night prior in a match, I watched THREE, and counted them, three attacks phase through the man directly in front of me. Two of his own slashes did not connect.
Combat doesn't feel good. Maybe it's just me, but, I don't see how getting attacked through your guard even makes sense, since, it's supposed to block ALL attacks, or, if you even accidentally drop it for a fraction of a second.
(Your Hands/Arms in the same position, weapon raised in front of you.)
Given the laggy, frame-rate chugging champion that chiv is, I'd probably chaulk it up to a mix of that it's a broken, moderately optimized, and non-tested game.
Next to no point on Reposte/Counter.
Teaches you that Counters are meant to be a superior attack compared to reposte.
From what I gathered from the tutorial:
Reposte = Defensive attack from block (Timing)
Counter = Offensive Attack from block (Timing)
Counters let you attack faster, consume no Stam on attack, etc, yet, while using a longsword VS greatsword, somehow, a greatsword not ONLY gets further reach, but is somehow faster than a Longsword that just got a successful Counter.
To be truthful about combat? It feels more often than not I'm just pressing buttons and rolling dice. Sometimes it'll land. Sometimes it'll ghost. Sometimes, you'll just get smacked, despite you having a faster weapon, and initiative.
All in all, I won't be spending not a penny more on this sham. Not until they fix underlying issues, and give me back my damn Raven Knight set. R.I.P - Rusty Knight