**Spoilers ahead**. One of the most immersive, captivating, thought provoking, relatable and entertaining “crime/drug thrillers” I’ve ever seen.
Although the show is full of Breaking Bad references, it has its own unique feel, and doesn’t rely on the “main” franchise to be absolutely excellent. It fact, I related to the character more than I did any from BB.
Finally not one of those “Dexter-type” endings. Not one of those cliche endings either - I really didn’t expect it. I feel for Kim, Howard and Nacho - they all deserve more in life and in the show, but that’s life.
I’m glad they dig deep into the Cartels/Gus’s origin story. I’d hoped Mike would have been in the courtroom on D - day. IMO, season 6 could have done without special appearances from BB (Though I think the addition of Marie was well deserved).
I feel for Jimmy, he just never knew when to quit - much like Walt. Although I related to his good natured personality in the beginning, I can’t help but note how many lives he destroyed - most importantly Howard’s.
In the end, he did right by Kim.