I really really really tried hard to enjoy this game. And, I know all the hard work that went into it. It's boring. It has color, but everything is gray. Cutscenes are mainly people talking or walking and talking. Combat is simple and attack effects and wild camera angles just look like a blobby mass of particle effects. Eikons are only story points and boss battles on rails, you never actually get to summon the summoned monsters.
Story is inconsistent, one moment you have epic Eikon battles defeating bosses several times your size, the next, your character goes, "How are we going to get over this wall, it's a fortress!" Spoiler:(It'll probably involve R2 button) It's like someone had a big checklist: crystals, check, swearing, check, nudity, check, token gay characters, check, prostitutes, check, slavery, check. The list goes on, but none of it feels compelling.
Rule number one of storytelling: Show don't tell, and 90 per cent of the story is telling.
The entire game is basically random empire name on random continent name is at war with other random continent name because of random reason. (Like FF12, but without the cool battle movies ripped off from Star Wars)
It's like they took all the parts from awesome games, like the Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Bayonetta, Final Fantasy 1 to 10, etc. And removed anything that was moving, fun, or compelling.
There are some good characters, the voice acting is not bad, but a lot of characters look the same, and there's a lot of subtle misogyny, weak or prop female characters.
The biggest complaint is that you don't really feel like you're playing nor having an adventure, just sitting through boring history seminars and walking to red or green icons, watching distance numbers count down.
It's basically Forspoken without parkour.
I'm not a FF purist, the action is fine, I just don't get how critics could give it such high scores for such a tepid experience. It almost makes me miss FF15. Almost. Upon completing the game, I've raised it to 2 stars, if only for the post credit scene which finally "shows, not tells" there is potential in this game, they just haven't quite nailed it yet.