This is a movie that hits every mark as a comedy thriller, offering a terrific new story, an outstanding new cast, and top drawer production values across the board. It’s a film that also works as a loving tribute to original cast member Harold Ramis and his brilliant and courageous alter ego, Egon Spengler, and as a heartfelt and totally satisfying reunion with the series’ other key characters and the actors who brought them to life, including Pete Venkman (Bill Murray), Ray Stanz (Dan Aykroyd), Winston Zedmore (Ernie Hudson), Janine Melnitz (Annie Potts) and, of course, Slimer. The new team members are excellent in every respect, and thanks to their skills, even the script’s corniest jokes pay off. In all, GB: AL was a pleasure to watch for the first time, a fitting continuation of the saga and a chapter I’ll gladly rewatch any time the desire to bust some ghosts strikes me. And don’t forget to stay until the very end.