Very well done game story wise, MSQ is very repetitive though. Still enjoyed it very much but not for you if you don’t like dialogue and being a postman basically. Very few kill and collects sadly. Dungeons and raids are very fun, trials as well but unless you are in party finder you get people with some uh.. questionable playstyles. Very friendly playerbase, have had very few confrontations the best part of the game is the music!
I play on both pc and console but they market it as console friendly but it is not whatsoever lmfao. Targeting a specific ally is freaking hell, sometimes same with enemies. Half of the classes you cannot play well on ps4 bc hotbar size lmao. Definitely recommend pc if you are looking to get into this game. Lots of stuff to do but almost everything in this game besides MSQ makes it easy to get burnt out. I do not recommend story or level skips, most players are questionable without a level skip lol take your time (def recommend healer or tank unless u want 10-2hr dungeon queues 😍.