I'll be perfectly honest with you,,,,,,I HAVE NO IDEAL WHAT-SO-EVER EXACTLY IS GOING ON IN THIS FILM !!!!!!! It's a mangled, jumbled mess,,,,,,,BUT I LOVE IT !!!!!! Personally, I can live without the "Lethal Weapon." franchise, & "Predator, " bores me to death, so I'm no Shane Black fan. Not by a long-shot. But, his take on the Iron-man franchise takes leaps, & bounds above the Jon Favure Iron-man's in my opinion. It's muddled, but there's a spring, & zippy breezeness to Iron 3's, carnage & slaughter that's not exactly just stupid, but more fun than a barrel of monkey's. Why does Tony Stark give his home address to the World ????? For, that, Starks a mega-billionaire industralist,,,,why doesn't THE WORLD ALREADY KNOW HIS HOME ADDRESS???? Why would he endanger the life of his lover by having her over said domicile when an attack was eminent???? Doesn't the world know Tony Stark is Ironman, ?? So, why doesn't he have to live in some secret lair out of the general public's reach ???? Why, does he issue a confrontation to his enemies when he has only one functional ironman suit on hand, & that one's not even equipped for battle ???? What the hell is going on with that kid in Tennessee???? How is it that the kid's some sort of Einstein, & has equipment on hand, in a shed, ( that Stark conviently stumbles onto, out of nowhere, without "Jarvis' assistance????) And, why does Jarvis shutdown when it's in the middle of an assignment???? Ironman 3, raises much more questions than it answers. And, Shane's answer to his quandrys, always end's with go for the jugular. Shane, may be the closest thing modern Hollywood, has to early John Sturges. In fact, to me Iron 3 is very much like what a Sturges Super-heroe movie, may have looked like. The FX, are FANTASTIC!!!! Bomb action ( if befuddling at times.) Guy Pearse's a little corny, & standard Marvel Super-villian at times, but, a worthy foil. Ben Kingsley hilarious as the Mandrain. Downey. Jr. at the top of his glib, game as Tony Stark/ Iron-man. Don Cheadle a welcome 2nd. Hand. Outside of the 2 Tom Holland "Spiderman,"/ the original Avengers movie, &