Kahled Hosseni walks us through a journey where unimaginable harsh realities surface. Although the book was written in a fictional format athor skillfully translates the mental battles of women especially in a country like Afghanistan.This certainly is not an incentive to detest the Islamic countries where the land of the law is Sharia, rather he sort of attempts to welcome every reader to an awareness pool what women in certain part of the world literally undergo.
On the other hand most of us are fighting numerous trivial wars in our dailies. The challenges we are being imposed are immaterial compared to what certain people truly battle. Imagine a world where you can't simply go out without a male companion and a woman's testimony is half-worth compared to a man.
Writing skills are proven to be unparalleled and the depiction of stories rightly correspond with a man's and woman's daily routine. Athor duly deserves the full credit for this master piece and I eagerly look forward to read The kite runner by the same author.