When you are born, you are male or female! Now someone might want to become male or female, or choose to be non binary. However that does not mean we have to learn new ways and new words. If you are dressed like a woman we will say her. If you dress like a man then we might say him. You are free to live your life and believe anything you wish. But so am I. I like the way I was brought up, I believe the word Of God. Also, I don’t think we should be punished for not changing our language. There may be some hormonal issues, but the truth is they are what they really are. Just because you think something in your head is real; no! But people run with whatever they think. If it is a desire then do it! But don’t pretend that sex and gender isn’t the same, it is. What color you like, what foods you like, who you are in your head is your choice; but it is not the basic truth. Because you cannot change the truth. You need to be accepted and respected for your choices like anyone else. But please don’t try to make me do what I don’t believe and don’t add words to the English language and don’t try to lord over God! P.S. Dr. Phil, Please, you are smarter then that! 😑