On the first flip-through alone I would have given the series less stars as I’m not crazy about the illustrations and simplistic story line, *but* I forgive them for starting out small and not having an astronomical budget while needing to appeal to all kinds of homes. Kudos on the strategy.
Once my kids began reading them, though, their reception blew me away. That, and the books provide inspiration for adults. We’re currently reading The Law by Frederic Bastiat in our homeschool Morning Time (the book that inspired the first book in the Tuttle Twins series). So - The Tuttle Twins provide a gateway into discussion for the youngest in your home, while sharing resources to move the conversation along for more advanced minds. For that reason, I treasure our collection and am looking forward to the many lessons these books will continue to spark in our home.
Now that I’ve given them a positive score, I’m sure my social credit score is going to drop ;). That said, I appreciate their fighting the good fight so I’m willing to take the hit.