Netflix actually promoted this film on their site. I would be embarrassed to show this film without a warning saying: this is non-sense. If you want to know what causes people to run to their word processor and begin writing a screenplay, its because they know they can do better that this film. This film is an excellent film to watch if you want to know how NOT to write a story. Critical characters are left too mysterious. When you do find out who they are, their behavior earlier in the film makes no sense. The woman is investigating the Contra scandal, then helps her dad who happens to be a gun smuggler. Their relationship is overly complex which takes up attention and story time. There are too many sub-plots including french investigators, CIA political arguments, a daughter you don't like or care about, a hotel she is supposed to work at. I lost track of the time frame, how long was she at the hotel and why? I had fifteen questions in my head that should have been answered when I land on three more mysteries and four new characters I have to un-riddle. I was supposed to be afraid of people I thought were on our side. She gets these astonished looks on her face when she discovers something, you try to figure out what the revelation was, then it doesn't matter anyway. The Contra scandal generates about as much interest as a new discussion about the War of 1812. Agony.