Did you love Borderlands 1, 2 and Prequel? This isn't like those games and it is riddled with bugs
First off, all the humor and loveable characters are gone. And the ones that aren't gone you barely see or hear.
The one cool thing is that you can switch between actions mid combat. That is the only nice addition to the game.
Bugs. This game has lots. But these are also the kinds of bugs that should have been fixed within a month of release. And we are over a year out now. The menu lags. I've never played an xbox game where you hit the menu button and it opens but you have to wait 2 to 3 seconds before you can do anything.the icons are not always representative of the item.the icon will be a gun when the item will be a grenade and it constantly change. If you want to sell sometimes it works fine but if the item is down further in you inventory you'll be reset to the top after every sale. Name plates for other players rarely show up on your screen. Dobyou like claptrap? Love claptrap? Good cause you'll be watching him dance for 3 min while the game loads into the screen where the only thing you can do is press a for continue. Then another minute for the menu to play. Then another minute to play.
They also dont care to fix these issues.