Wow. I just personally want to say what an incredible game. From the first time I saw the demo for the game at E3 where he’s fighting the hordes at the saw mill, I automatically knew that the game was going to be good. But what surprised me the most when I played it, the game completely shattered my expectations from good to an incredible game. Throughout the game I was surprised by all that you could do when playing Days Gone. From the numerous amount of interesting storylines, the annihilation of the numerous zombie hordes, to the boss fights and motorcycle chases; all to which a extremely well placed masterpiece. The characters within the game were really well done and I truly admired the way they but the main story together. In a way, I somewhat reminded me of Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained movie. In a way the to relate to each because the main characters (Django Freeman and Days Gone Decon St. John), are both broken
Down because they have both lost the one person that they care about the most, their wives. But through the story you see two men who have been both broken down because they feel like they have lost everything and as a result, it makes their characters carry themselves with an empty and hardened heart. But at the end, the both realize that their wives are still alive and it regrants their sliver of hope that they had both lost so long ago. With that being said I truly feel that Days gone was a wonderful masterpiece and I gave me just the right zombie apocalypse game that I always wanted because I love just mowing down endless waves of zombies. I can’t wait to see what they continue with this franchise and if they continue to create a sequel for it, i
will automatically by it no questions asked. Thank you for all of those who worked really hard on this wonderful game and I can’t wait to see what you do next