The only thing I can deduce from the entire series is in spite of all the flash forwards and flashbacks, the the pilots, crew and passengers of flight 815 died when they crashed into the island.
Why do I believe they all died? Because Claire’s baby was with everyone in the “hereafter” at the end of the series. In spite of Claire’s Baby Aaron and Kate, among the other passengers “getting off the island” for three years, only to return to complete unfinished business, Baby Aaron never returned to the island. Yet, there he was in the “moving on” chapel.
So figuring out that everyone immediately died directly after the plane crashed, I could only assume that all the time-flashes were the what-could’ve-been, what-can-be, what-should’ve-been, what-would’ve-been, what-might’ve-been.
And I believe the entire script was written to show that no matter what path we walk, what side of the fork in the road we select, what circumstances we find ourselves in, we will always end up with our “soulmate”.
We will always know our group of people, and in every lifetime, we will meet up with those people.
Did Jack have a son? This was part of the what-could’ve-been. If Jack hadn’t ______, (died…messed up his marriage…married the right person, etc), he would’ve had a son. Maybe Jack’s son represents all the people who could’ve been but aren’t here for a host of reasons.
Jack stayed on the island because he had nobody to return to. He ruined his career, relationships, and he had no kids. So his son didn’t exist. But the flashforward indicated what could’ve been if Jack had taken his marriage seriously.
Then when watching this, I often wondered if living on an island would’ve been better than living in the real world. A peaceful existence with singing birds and less frustration compared to a world of convenience, technology and socialization.
We make choices every day that either involve our loved ones or lock them out. Our jobs, hobbies and even vices. For instance, Kate killed her father after she watched years of abuse toward her mother. But Kate’s mother chose the abuse because she loved the man who abused her. Kates father abused her mother because he chose alcohol over Kate’s mother, yet he chose to stay with her.
Jack chose his career over his marriage. Hugo chose his family and friends because the money and numbers chosen were injuring and killing his family and friends.
I believe the only one who survived the plane crash was the dog. He wasn’t at the “moving on” chapel. However, neither was Walt; and I really don’t know what to make of that character. Maybe he, as an actor, had other career choices. Maybe the writers didn’t think things through when they wrote the script.
It was an interesting series, but I found myself confused often; mostly from failing to recall who the characters were on the island or those among the others.
It’s probably not a show I would watch again; just too confusing for me.