As a Native woman, I thought this book was very thoughtfully & wonderfully written. I do read a lot of history and native history books, I have since I was 7 yrs old. My issue with a lot of Native history and history books is that many are written in a textbook manner. Because of this, they can be difficult to understand at times. This book was not like that. There is a lot going on in the books, as far as characters go, and I had to go back and look thru parts of the book to refresh my memory on who some of the characters were. Either way-- It was easy to digest and was told in a storytelling manner that made it much more concise and easier to understand. My 17 yo son bought this book for me, and I am glad he did as I wasn't aware this had once happened to our southern plains ndn relatives. In all the many books I have read about Native history, this was something I had never heard about. I was shocked, but not surprised, that this had happened-- since Natives have lived thru many other disgraceful parts of history since first contact. Either way, I am glad that Mr. Grann is helping to bring awareness to such topics with this book. It goes to show that many times the histories of POC are either ignored or not covered at all. Lots of times, one has to go searching for such parts of history. I can only hope other such books follow someday soon. It's our duty to all know as much as we can about the many facets of our country's history so it hopefully isn't repeated in the future.