"Joker" is a film that focuses on the internal day-to-day struggles of a failed comedian and the power struggle that society endures. Todd Phillips masterfully brings the class struggle that the poor and the oppressed endure at the hands of the rich to the silver screen and how the boiling keg can prove to be calamitous to society if not regarded with caution. It's not a film that will put a smile on your face and is not a film for children. It depicts the struggles of one man who is epitome of the loner and the outsider, struggling to find his place in the world. It focuses on how all the anchors attaching him to social life are pulled away one by one, with one mishap after another, and also focuses on the psychology of the loner in a beautiful way, a man who wants to be noticed and respected, or even acknowledged. This is a film that I would 100% recommend for all who are old enough to watch it.