[SPOILER FREE] As someone who enjoyed the first game many years ago, I have always wanted to know what would happen after the iconic ending of Part I. Many people are not happy with Part II’s story and it is understandable, but I enjoyed the gameplay and the story as much as the first game. Most people just hopped on the bandwagon and started to hate it before they even played, hell I was somewhat disappointed before I started playing but I gave the game a chance. The characters, the gameplay, and the story feels very realistic even though it is set in apocalyptic world. People seem to forget that the first game had grey characters as well and that’s what I loved about Part II, not everyone is good or evil and them showing what revenge can do to someone hits home and it has made me do a lot of thinking these past few days. I really hope that a Part III is made so we can what goes after the events of Part II but if not, I’m glad to have been able to play Part II and have my assumptions of what will go on afterwards. I will continue to replay both games as much as I can.