The movie is shot beautifully, and I was definitely in awe because the visuals are amazing. The selection of music is quite good too. However, the plot has too many plot holes, and there are a few scenes that are completely random, and could've been developed more, but aren't. Which is such a shame because it makes the plot of this movie extremely forgettable and quite boring. There are many questions left unanswered, and for the people who think the audience shouldn't be spoon fed the plot, trust me when I say no matter how much you think about the movie and any symbolisms in it, it just doesn't make sense. Personally, I felt the pacing of the movie is still quite alright. The ending feels rushed and illogical, (spoiler) you'd think such a powerful witch would've been able to save herself. I genuinely would love to watch a remake of this film, where the script is more developed. This script feels like the writers tried to cram every little idea they had in it, without developing any of said ideas. As much as I hated the movie and felt it was nonsensical, I do love the visuals and the choice of music and sound effects. It is a beautiful movie that lacks sustenance.