The writing is complete spaghetti and the design choices for the sets are truly underwhelming. Underwhelming to the point where the 220$ million budget seems to reek of embezzlement. I truly enjoyed rogue one which also had a women leading the project so the theory that having a woman leading the project results in a bad product is utter nonsense. (The sexism baiting is not something to buy into). Acolyte is also irritating because I WANT TO LIKE THE JEDI NOT HATE THEM!!! I will admit some of the scenes are very cool visually examples being the chase scene with Sol and Mae through the asteroid field and the scene where the cyber crystal bled before our eyes but it was not enough to make up for the over arching writing flaws. It seems like a trope for a lot of the new Star Wars shows/movies do is make up out of thin air new rules for the force and how it can be manipulated almost to the point of Hogwarts magic. It completely breaks the immersion and continuity from the previous films. Witches conjuring twins from pure force energy seems far fetched even in a universe like Starwars which make me wonder if the writing is just that god awful…