I'm a woman and I love a good female hero and strong presence, but this movie was ridiculous. It had one purpose and that was to shove feminism down your throat and not even in a well done or convincing way.
I'm not even sure the female lead was acting... she more just talked... no emotion, no character, no personality. She merely existed. Just bad.
First MIB will always be the best and my favorite. This movie just tried too hard in too many ways and failed at them all. Really disappointing...
Chris... Liam.. WHY would you subject yourselves to this? Men are not stupid. Women are not superior. Human beings have equal value and equal purpose. One is not better or worse than the other and this movie tries to push the wrong ideals and values. Which is just sad. This franchise was so fun and silly, this movie was angering. Wasn't even worth wasting the time to look at the cover let alone watch it.