The game look's very stunning but unfortunately if you played the first game you will notice that the game play is 80% the same with more puzzle s then the first one
Now about the story if your a fan off the first game and especially joel then your about to get the biggest middle finger as he dies very early on to give the story a purpose a revenge story which in the end you don't even get that revenge you don't feel any character development and the story telling is confusing it would've been 10 times better if they chose a different story it feels like they just made you angry then gave you unsatisfying ending on top off being stuck playin as abby for 7 hours with here story not moving the plot or being that interesting and just making your anger for revenge fad away im not sure how developers didn't notice that it toke way too long playing as abby a character that you're supposed to hate , if they killed dina insted off joel it would've been better
The old fan's gona feel the hit ,good luck to naughty dogs with this mess they gona need it