*VERY MINOR SPOILER* Personally, I thought the movie was amazing. I had to go see it twice before I wrote an in-depth review on my personal blog. There are many intricate things going on in the film that you really have to pay attention if you want to grasp the full extent of the film. Logically, we are going to question some things that happen in the film due to our own sense of what we want in movies (not necessarily me, but from what I'm seeing from other reviews on the film). Yes, we don't get a full laid out plan of Red, but she states that the plan did take years to execute. The first moment she speaks has profound meaning and after seeing this film a second time, a lot makes more sense. Do I still have certain questions? Sure, but at the same time this film's unique creepiness and the various open-ended questions that we are left with makes this film a great one. I don't think it is scarier than Get Out, but the social themes are much more of a focus. It fits more as a Social Horror film (similar to a Belko Experiment, Escape Room) where we focus on the deeper aspects of our society or how we as humans would act in certain situations. Also, if you're into more of the traditional jump scare type of horror, this isn't it. I just think that overall, most people were expecting something different than what we got. Overall, Jordan Peele is a master at making things creepy and thrilling in a unique way for the genre and doesn't really skip a beat in his Sophomore Debut!