I am really sadden by this. I was super excited about this series up until episode 6. I love Ben Barnes, he is an incredible actor and handsome to look at, he plays this dark character well. However, I can't in good conscience continue to watch this show and it's because of one character, Jesper. The actor portrayal of this character made watching him unbearable and I hated when the show cut to any scenes with Jesper. He is obnoxious and arrogant and foolish. Although this was the case I continued to watch the series because the rest of the cast made up for where the character Jesper lacked. But episode 6 ultimately nixed it for me. I am sadden by this because I am curious to how everything unfolds. However, I do not care to see Jesper's (a side character) love scenes on full display. Therefore as much as I want to support Ben Barnes, I cannot continue due to Jesper.