The game was ok only because of the amazing graphics, acting, combat, and animation. The story however was disappointing. The story could have been so much better. The story the game gives you just isn’t what you would expect or want for the last of us sequel in my opinion. The game could have been a lot better with a story that would make the players happy and satisfied. The story really leaves you unpleased mainly because you know what the game could have been. Having said that, the story was well written for the path it chose. I just believe the game would have been better if it took the story in a completely different direction.
*Spoiler Warning*
My main problem with the game is that I personally don’t like the shift between the games where Joel goes from the unstoppable force killing anyone trying to stop him from protecting Ellie to the poor old man who can be killed easily. It just doesn’t feel right and makes you feel like your playing a completely different game.