This is a great series! I especially enjoy the characters of Ana, Alberto, and Mateo. Ana’s and Alberto’s deep love for each other is the heart of the show. And, I love Mateo! He starts out as a playboy, but falls hard for Clara, another great actress in this series. (Clara’s sister “Rita” is quite humorous!
This show has a little of everything. You will laugh, cry, feel anger, joy, and respect for many of them. Many of the Velvet gang show enormous support for each other, particularly when the chips are down.
There is also some silliness in the series, some is funny, but I personally could have done with a little less of it.
Also, the characters of Raul and Emilio are fantastic! Raul is a great actor and Emilio is a fatherly-type figure. I would have enjoyed seeing a bit more of “Max”, Bianca’s (younger) lover.
I liked that they show you so much of the behind-the-scenes workmanship/cutting/sewing/planning that went into the fashion and garment business of the times.
So much of this cast were really like one big family! (Of course, there are always a few rotten apples who are forever scheming!)
I was disappointed when the series ended (4 seasons), but “lo and behold”, my husband discovered a spin-off, called “Velvet Collection“. I have two episodes left to watch. (Velvet Collection is two seasons, 20 episodes.) Ana was in the first episode only, then headed back to NY to be with Alberto, (Sr. and Jr.) The stars of Velvet Collection are Clara and Mateo. Pedro also plays a big part.
I’d like to see more movies/series of this type!
Oh, how could I possibly forget to mention the MUSIC! It was wonderful and each song was perfect for the accompanying scene! (Also, the songs were in English, which I appreciated, several were Elvis Presley songs, and all were wonderful!) The song at the beginning of each episode was so upbeat and appropriate - I just loved it! (I’m not certain of the name of it, possibly (“All My Life?)