Phil, honestly, you pride yourself on being neutral??? That is laughable. I see why you are so one sided on black lives matter. Your show is paid by Oprah!!! If black lives matter so much, then apparently your kids and grandkids lives don't matter because last time i looked, they were white!!! Why don't you, Robin and Oprah give up your body guards and walk down the street and see how much the protesters, oh wait, peaceful protesters and see how you are treated. But you and all the celebrities talk out of both sides of your mouth. black lives matter as long as it doesn't come to your neighborhood! AND if black lives matter, then why are they only talking about criminal black lives that were killed by police (which come on Phil, you pride yourself on research) that were unarmed is sooooo low! What about the black lives that were killed by peaceful protesters, ugh! Seriously, it makes me SICK because even though they were black, where was black lives matter??? What about the black kids that were killed by other blacks. Where was black lives matter??? You all make me want to vomit!!! I was talking to someone at my office and we both said that the Dr.Phil show has definitely gone to be sensationalized and sounds more like a commercial promoting your apps and Robins skin care line. Dr. Phil....I'm out....and I'm sure you could care less!!!