With the imminent "Avengers" movie coming next year, only one hero's origin story remains untold until now. Falling in line with "Thor," "Iron Man," and "The Incredible Hulk," "Captain America" showcases the rise of Steve Rogers as the title character. Unlike the other films, which take place in modern times, this one goes way back to WWII, showing the Captain kicking Nazi butt! With a lot of "Wolfenstein" style occult mystique and a slight "Indiana Jones" sense of adventure, this movie has a number of solid action sequences, and plenty of imaginative special effects and setpieces. With its references to various characters and concepts of other Mavel movies, it fits into the franchise really well. It might take some stretch of the imagination to believe that Nazis could be this futuristic, but for a superhero movie, it's all good fun.
The story in this case is pretty solid. The main character shows strong development, and for most of the movie, you really root for him. There's nothing more thrilling than watching the underdog getting the upper hand. As it goes on, much of the character drama and story development gets pushed aside by the action, but it still works. By the end, voila, we have the lead-in for the "Avengers" film.
The special effects are again top quality which isn't surprising after Marvel started to get a much higher budget after every movie before this one in the MCU were such big hits and made a ton of money at the box office.
I highly recommend watching Captain America The First Avenger if your a fan of the comics and the MCU as a whole even if you're not interested in watching every movie in the MCU I would still recommend watching this one as it stands out on it's own and is the best movie interpretation of Captain America out there.