The show was over all amazing. The characters really grew on me and seeing Jack and Alyssa on screen together just felt right. The story somewhat suffered from bad writing and bad CGI but otherwise it was amazing. I didn’t really enjoy the concept of cutting themselves to create magic as all magic has a cost because some people including me get a creeped out about things such as knifes or any other pain. I found it very emotional and heartfelt as the chemistry between Alyssa and Jack gets twisted and turned about. And spoiler alert the end left multiple cliffhangers such as Vera wiping the knights memories and her keeping “The Vade Maecum Infernal”. I’m really hoping that they keep the emotions between Jack and Alyssa and somehow restore the memories of the knights. Like I said hopefully Alyssa will break and restore Jacks memories as you could tell she became very upset at the end of the episode. The comedy was great and the jokes didn’t feel forced. I don’t know how I feel about Jack not switching “midnight” back for “silverback”. But I really hope they return the memories of the knights because I hope Lilith and Randall will continue building their relationship. I have a feeling Edward May return as we seen evidence of Jurgen Sawyer being trapped in the book for over 50 years.
I was really unhappy about Jacks memory being wiped especially after confessing his full love for Alyssa but like I’ve said many times already I really hope Alyssa slips up and returns Jacks memory. I’ve been up late enough I’m going to go to bed Goodnight...