This is a great comic book character brought to life.
She had a supernatural birth...
A reincarnated super psychologist phd...which gave her new powers strengths and resilience.
This explains Her seemingly hyperdrive, She was already a hyperdrive shrink, now She has been updated times atomic hyperdrive.
She probably is the most authentic portrayal of a woman superhero.
Right smack in the middle of doo-doo blowing up, She and her friend do their nails.
No matter what's happening, most women will groom and primp themselves.
When have you ever seen a male superhero groom his toes?
Most Men think linearly;
Most Women think spacially.
Men have one linear orgasm.
Women can have multiple spacially orgasms.
So my observations and opinions are the above, based on my life experiences... they're not absolute just the most of what I've seen.
Male directors for the most part tell linear narratives, from the inception of 'his-story', now a female director is delivering a narrative based of 'her-story'
People who have knee-jerk feelings about the film can't deal with what the depth the idea of She presents. Everyone has always been trying to control women and their bodies, Here is a woman defining and not defining herself. In the past, Woman like her have been called lunatics, remember they put Mae West in prison for being too lusty. One of the biggest lies is Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, If Jesus had a prostitute traveling with Him at that time and age, there would have been hell to pay by the crowds bc Woman at that time were also controlled. 13 men traveling with a reformed sexworker 0 BC? Yeah, big lie.
This film tells a story of Harlequin;
She's not crazy or psycho, remove the hardcore killing and I am sure there are lots of people you know who behave just like her.
Your friends, your ex's, your family, political and religious leaders, and on your TV.
This film needs to be seen not once but a few times over,
to see and separate the cartooniness and the realness
the brilliance of having many stories happening at the same time
the nuances
the performances
There is a film called "Faster Pussycat Kill Kill"
1965 by Russ Myers.
This is right up there with that cult film.
Don't forget to take your estrogen and testosterone, you'll need it to digest this epic action comic book film.