This show is everything the LGBTQ community has been fighting for and wanted for years. Every show or movie I have seen with members of the LGBTQ community (gay , bi, lesbian, or trans etc.) has been stereotyped or negative. It's always portraying us as overly flamboyant or obsessed with something sexual. I am a 16 year old gay teen, and I am over joyed to see something finally representative of us. I am sure somewhere out there is a show or movie also doing so. But not supported by a huge cooperation like Netflix. It's vital for shows like these to be put on screen today and tomorrow and always in the future. It shows people that being gay is one thing about you and not your whole personality. It shows people that are not in the LBGTQ that we are not obsessed with being sexual. It shows realistic bulling that is not so over the top and severe. I may just be a teen and my opinions are not valued too highly in society. But I beg you Netflix please continue this series. Not only is it HIGHLY rated but it is truly the best representation of any queerness I have every seen on main stream media. Although it was only on the U.S Top 10 at number 7 for a short time. It is vital in the right for equality for this and shows like it to be out there. This show truly is what I believe to be what I and many members of the community have been fighting for.