These days all everyone cares about is graphics, how things run, what the HUD looks like, Etc. , and that’s understandable, but when it comes to how the multiplayer actually plays out, I would give this game a 3/10. First off the maps are too cluttered (meaning Infinity Ward payed WAY TOO MUCH attention to useless details that make it hard to see an enemy) beside the fact that NONE of the maps are fun OR interesting. Also there is barely any gun variation whatsoever. All of them feel the same, sound the same, and most of the AR’s even LOOK the same. As soon as I started playing I could already tell this was going to be a disaster of a game. Sure the campaign was fun and somewhat realistic, but the multiplayer and co-op modes are absolutely horrific. If you’re looking for a co-op mode that was as fun as Modern Warfare 3’s survival mode, then you will NOT find it here. The co-op mode is undoubtedly the worst i’ve ever seen in ANY Call Of Duty game. In the trial mode you have a certain amount of “tickets” that you can use and when you run out you have to unlock more by ranking up, which is the STUPIDEST idea a game developing company could ever let SLIP into the game. It reminds me of a mobile phone game where you have to wait for more energy just to play. To conclude everything up this game is a total waste of money, time, and space on your hard drive. This is one of the worst games in the Call Of Duty franchise I have ever seen for there is no creativity, freedom of co-op, variation in weapons, and fun.