This documentary was very informative for me. I truly thought I knew the extent of pollution in our oceans and the animals that suffer from it, but this film made me think again. It covered sea life like the Elusive blue Whale, the Pygmy blue Whale and many others taking place in the Indian Ocean. The film showed many areas in the Indian Ocean with lots of pollution including oil, nets, wires, plastic boxes and so much more. What saddened me the most was watching the Brydes Whale suffer and die from having six square meters of plastic sheeting in its stomach. Its digestive system was blocked and died from malnourishment, being unable to eat due to the plastic blockage. Seals were seen with plastic rings around their necks, as well as dolphins with plastic bags around their snouts. It was so sad to see, but such a great documentary to watch because it truly shows you how bad humans are affecting our sea life. It takes you in depth and personal to how our sea life is truly living on a daily basis.