The opening scene is total BS. Poirot was never in the army, was never engaged. Katrine never existed. So that whole story line is ridiculous. The actor they chose to play Simon Doyle is too old for the character. Who the hell is cousin Andrew? Now you're adding characters that weren't in the story???? Salome was an author not a musician. Why change that?? What happened to Mr Ferguson and Colonel Race?? Lynette was an American heiress I guess Gal Gadot couldn't pull off the accent?? French and Saunders? Really?? Way to make it ridiculous. Further, the characters of the story were never guests of Lynette and Simon most of them were enemies of Lynette's so that makes no sense. And Jackie was on the boat when it sailed. It was not the maids idea to go to Egypt for a honeymoon it was Jackie's. The doctor was never in love with Lynette. And of course, we have to throw in racism which was obviously, never part of the original story. You changed the background of all characters. You changed the original dialogue. You gave dialogue the belong to certain characters to other characters. Why?? Kenneth arrogantly thought he could write a better story than Agatha Christie he was mistaken. One does not revamp genius especially when they completely ignore the main characters look; the mustache is completely wrong and Kenneth is completely wrong for the character and never portrayed any of Poirots mannerisms or personality correctly. The whole portrayal of the era is ridiculous. I don't know why they would try to reinvent an amazing work but, they failed