Goodness, the self hatred portrayed in this movie: future Adam should’ve just stabbed his 12 year old self; it would’ve been less painful to watch. The villain did a horrible job, just kept repeating the concept of being lonely and risking it all for what exactly? Someone else’s scientific and mathematical discovery? Lastly, the acting in one of the most important scenes in the movie was a cheap attempt at re-enacting Robin Williams talking to Will during their last session in ‘Goodwill Hunting.’ One thing I will say, I appreciated Garner and Saldaña not being portrayed as the typical, “you’re never home and you’ve abandoned us” guilt tripping wives. Garner reassured her husband, allowed him some room to realize he was present when he was home. Saldaña knew Reynolds would go back for her. She believed in him to the extent of sacrificing herself knowing someway their love would survive even to existing in another lifetime. So for that, I’ll give it 3 stars. It was refreshing in that sense, just wish we had more of that and less banter.